Important Tips For Wearing The Scarf In A Proper Way

Friday, 5 October 2012
Scarf is one of the essential elements in the women dressing. In 21st century it has acquiring the place of becoming a fashion statement for maximum women. It enhances their personality and gives them more elegant and graceful image. Although scarfs are commonly made from different materials such as chiffon, lawn and cotton but the silk and rayon substantial material is the most favorite ones for women.  However still many women who have the desire to wear the scarf finds it difficult to wear it because they are unaware from its wearing procedure. This article put forward some of the important tips for wearing the scarf in a proper way:
  1. Foremost you should consider such a scarf that made from the material of cotton. If you will wear a cotton scarf with chiffon dress it will probably looks messy.
  2.  Secondly always try to select the scarfs that are light in color because soft colors will give a much better image to your personality when they will be worn on dark dress.
  3. Thirdly when it comes tied up the scarf besides giving a one larger knot try to manage the scarf knot into two portions. Tie up one knot on left side and other on right side and tightly put it around the neck. 
  4. Additionally in summer season due to massive hot weather you can fix the main texture pattern of the scarf on the head while the placement of the rest of scarf material can be fixed on the shoulder for not feeling much hotness.
  5. Furthermore you can even set the scarf knot into some butterfly shape.
Useful Tips To Wear A Scarf 001


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