How To Washing Your Face

Tuesday, 29 April 2014
To wash the face is an easy task. Some people think that frequent washing of the face keeps the skin fresh and whiten the complexion.  Though there is some truth in it because by washing the face the dirt particles are removed as they accumulate. The skin cleansing   naturally affects the complexion.
But the repeated action of cleansing agents might bring the dryness, itching and sometimes the breakout of acne on the skin. So too much good things sometimes ends up at the bad. It is usually thought to wash the face twice a day is best for skin care. But actually the secret of washing the face lies in the type of the skin.  And the washing is done by considering the skin type as follows:

The dry skin needs to be washed only twice in a day because the skin is already dry and the use of soap or the facial wash take away the natural skin oils by cleansing the pores. As result of it the skin get more dry and peeling with cracking of the skin is apparent in dry skin after washing. So after the use of mild cleanser the skin should be moisturized properly to replenish the skin oils. Such skin also exfoliates after every two days so that the dead cells removed as they formed.

The faces wash for the normal skin also to be done twice or thrice a day. Once at the early morning and then after coming your job or getting free from house hold works and then at night before going to bed. At night the face washing is done after cleansing and removal of all face make up. At night after washing apply moisturizer for the youthful skin complexion.

This type of skin requires the frequent washing because the oily glands of the skin are hyper active and make the skin oily after sometime. If this oil is not wiped frequently it may clog the skin pores. At such type of skin the white heads or the black heads are seen. Which are nothing just the mixture of dead cells and excessive oils of the skin with dirt particles. after each facial wash toner is applied on the face to keep the skin oil free.

Home Remedies For Hair Care

Caring for hair is fast becoming a problem which can be dealt easily but people don’t understand it. There are tons and tons of home remedies and treatments which you can use to treat your hair which help you to look beautiful. This article is all about hair and there care… so if you are interested for your hair to look beautiful then this piece of writing is ideal for you.

Egg a perfect massager – when you want to take bathe or wash your hair then previous to this apply an egg on your hair gently massaging with it. The best advisable time for this in 30 minutes but as we all are very busy and can’t take out this much time so 10 to 15 minutes will do, but make sure you are giving quality time to it, which means just relax and concentrate in it. This will give amazing shine and health to your hair as this contains protein which you use directly on your hair.

Yogurt a perfect shampoo – while washing your hair if you apply yogurt then this will give an ultimate texture to your hair. The method of apply yogurt is simple just apply it on your scalp and hair then rinse with cold water thrice or twice. You will feel so much airy in your hair, and also shiny.

Lemon peel – For all those people who are suffering from dandruff lemon peel is perfect. Just peel the skin of lemon and start rubbing gently on your scalp. The citrus and the vitamin c of lemon peel will help you to fight against dandruff.

Carrot Puree - Make puree of carrots, just take 2 to 3 carrots and simply make its puree. Then when it cools down apply on your hair gently and softly and leave it for 30 minutes. When it dries out now rinse you hair very gently as this puree may harden your hair for a while. Remember whenever you are dealing with your hair with all the above type of techniques, then be very gentle as it may damage your hair if you do it harshly.

Make Eyebrows Groth Faster

Apply castor oil on your eyebrows every night before sleep. If your eyelashes are short then apply them on your eyelids too.
Castor oil darkens the brow and promotes hair growth.
1. Grab a small soft-bristled toothbrush
...2. Determine with part of your eyebrows you want to grow
3. Rub firmly over the area in small circles but not too hard. You could end up just irritating the skin!
4. Continue rubbing for about 3-5 minutes...

Remove Makeup Naturally

This homemade eye makeup remover will work in a pinch if you run out of your normal brand. It’s also a great way to save money instead of using expensive makeup removers.

•Combine 2 tablespoons of canola oil and one tablespoon of extra-virgin olive oil.
•Dab a cottonball or tissue into the oil.
•Wipe your eyelid and eyelashes to remove eye makeup.
•Rinse with cool water.

Here are 10 other quick homemade beauty remedies that can be used to remove makeup and cleanse your skin.

Homemade beauty treatments
1. Combine cucumber juice to a few drops of baby oil to removed dirt and makeup.

2. Mix olive oil and baby oil to remove mascara.

3. Rub lemon peel on oily skin to remove oily and rejuvenate skin.

4. Rinse your face every night with raw milk to remove any makeup residue and oil.

5. Mix a spoonful of potato juice with a few drops of lemon juice to reduce blemishes and dark circles.

6. Combine two tablespoons of wheat flour and enough milk to make a paste to use as a facial scrub.

7. Dip a cotton ball in tomato juice and apply it to the skin. Allow to set for 5-10 minutes before rinsing. This will help reduce the appearance of large pores.

8. Combine oatmeal and ground walnuts to create your own exofoliating scrub.

9. Mash a banana with a few drops of milk and apply to the face. Rinse after 10 minutes and your face will feel soft and smooth.

10. Use baby shampoo on a cotton ball to remove waterproof mascara.

Tip For Manging Dark Skin

Dark skin tends to scar and develops dark blemishes and marks. Dark skin is all about the hyperpigmentation of the skin. Hyperpigmentation occurs when certain skin cells release more pigment i.e. dark color. Dark skin can result from sun exosure and may sometimes occur from redness and bruising.
Darkening of the skin may be due to ” blueness ” is called cyanosis or purple skin. Certain chemicals and dietary items can also changes the skin color. Skin darkening or hyperpigmentation can be the symptom of severe diseases i.e. Addison’s disease and Scleroderma.

It doesn’t matter, what type of your skin is, but a universal tendency is that skin tends to darken when expose to sun. Dark skin protects against those skin cancers that are caused by mutations in skin cells induced by ultraviolet light. Due to having more pigment in dark skin, it can withstand exposure to the sun much better.

Dark skin prevents UV-A radiation from destroying the essential B vitamin folate. Folate is needed for the synthesis of DNA in dividing cells and too low levels of folate in pregnant women are associated with birth defects. A darker skin is more prone to scarring and hyperpigmentation. Dark skin protects vitamin B, it can lead to a vitamin D deficiency.

Tips for darker skin :

  • The regular use of sunscreen will prevent the skin from turning blotchy.
  • Exfoliate to remove dull, dead skin cells but test the product on a small patch of skin first.
  • Irritation may lead to disfiguring hyperpigmentation. The products that may irritates the dark skin includes: fragrance, alcohol, propylene glycol, dye and lanolin.
  • Dark-skinned people who live in less sun-intensive regions often lack Vitamin D.
  • For removing dirt, oil and makeup, always cleanse your skin. But avoid abrasive cleansers, which can irritate skin of color.
  • Cleansing too often or too roughly will harm the dark skin.
  • Avoid using home microdermabrasion and chemical peel kits too roughly. Use according to the directions and discontinue use if irritation occurs.

Lipstick Tips & Tricks

Tip #1: Store lipstick in the fridge. It will last weeks longer. 

Tip #2: Never use a tester on your lips. It's just plain unhygienic. Instead, test lipstick on your fingertips. It's a closer fit to your lips than the back of your hand. 
Tip #3: Use liner on your lips as a base. Want lipstick to last longer, than fill in your lips with the liner first. If you're using light lipstick, try a nude liner. Then slick your lipstick on top. 
Tip #4: Don't skip the liner. Without the prerequisite liner, your lips will look "smudgier" according to Berg, softer & less defined. 
Tip #5: Keep lipstick off your teeth with this trick. This is a trick I learned years ago from my mom. After applying lipstick, take your index finger & pop it in your mouth, then pull it out. The excess lipstick will come off on your finger rather than your teeth.

Tip #6: Lipstick can act as a blush. But never use blush as a lipstick. 

Tip #7: Apply liner first. Lipstick tends to feather if you apply liner second. Also, you won't be able to see the natural line of your lips if you apply lipstick first. 
Tip #8: The older you are, the 'creamier' your lips should look. Women over 50 should avoid matte or a gloss and stick with a creamy lipstick. Tip #9: Don't throw out a bad color lipstick. Instead, use other colors to perfect your own shade. You can also color in lips with a darker liner before applying a lipstick that's too bright. Tip #10: For 'plump' lips, apply liner just outside your natural hipline.

Tip #11: Keep lip-gloss on longer with liner. Lip-gloss is infamous for wearing off fast, but if you fill in lips first with the liner, the gloss has something to stick to. 
Tip #12: Heal -- don't throw out -- a broken lipstick. If your lipstick breaks off, simply take off the broken portion with a tissue, then slowly wave a lit match under the broken piece of lipstick. When it's melted a bit, put it back on the base, swivel it down and put it in the fridge -- uncovered -- for 5 minutes.
Tip #13: Avoid orange or brown shades. They tend to make teeth appear yellow. 
Tip #14: Save the last bits. Down to the last bit of you favorite lipstick? There's plenty more at the bottom of your tube. Scrape out the last bits with a cotton swap or orange stick & mix it with Vaseline or lip-gloss in a lipstick pallette. 
Tip #15: Keep lipstick off glass. Discreetly lick the lip of the glass before touching your lips to it. It works!

Honey As A Skin Softner

One of nature’s best beauty ingredients is honey which is packed full of minerals and vitamins and is great for many different things.

It can be used in lots of different ways so a jar of pure honey will soon be put to good use.

By adding a half cup of honey to your bath water your skin will be silky soft and the smell will be very appealing.

Honey also makes a great facial masks, it can be mixed together with other ingredients or simply applied directly onto the skin. Leave it to dry and then rinse off with warm water, it is a good excuse to sit and relax for fifteen minutes. Gently dry the face afterwards with a soft towel.

Blend together an apple that has been cored, peeled and chopped and add one tablespoon of honey. When smooth spread liberally over the face and leave for at least fifteen minutes. Your skin will be soft and supple once you have removed every last trace of the mixture.